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The Chrysostom Institute publishes books and provides educational services that advance religious knowledge and spiritually benefit the one holy catholic and apostolic church. Our primary aim is to serve those who are called to serve in full time Gospel ministry—missionaries, seminary students, evangelists, and pastors.
Why the name "Chrysostom Institute"?
The organization is named after church father John Chrysostom (c. 347–407). "Chrysostom" or "Golden Mouth" was applied to John as a nickname during his time of ministry in Antioch on the Orontes (which was located near modern day Antakya, Turkey) because of his uncommon gift of oratory as a preacher. Chrysostom was appointed the twelfth archbishop of Constantinople in 397, and served in that role until his banishment in 404.
We have named our organization after John Chrysostom for the following reasons:
He had a deep love for and knowledge of the Scriptures. Chrysostom committed to memory large amounts of both the Old and New Testaments, meditated on the Word of God day and night, and had the epistles of Paul read to him twice a week.
He was a faithful, eloquent, uncompromising preacher of the Word of God. He was not afraid to preach even against sins committed by the royalty of that time. Faithfulness to God and the welfare of his hearers was more important to Chrysostom than his own comfort and well-being. This trait ultimately led to his banishment in 404.
He preached verse by verse through entire books of the Bible. His biblical commentaries, which are still available today, emerged from this exposition of Scripture to his congregations.
His writings and ministry have influenced all branches of Christendom. For example, when Huldrych Zwingli (1484–1531) initiated the Protestant Reformation in Zürich, Switzerland by preaching through the Gospel of Matthew, beginning on New Year's Day 1519, he was following in the footsteps of Chrysostom.
He was personally committed to live a holy life and to reject love for the world, even after he was promoted to the position of archbishop of Constantinople, and was surrounded by much luxury and temptation.
He was humble, always seeking to exalt Jesus Christ, instead of himself. His promotion to the position of archbishop of Constantinople came as a surprise, and was not due to any personal scheming or political maneuvering on his part.
In addition to expounding the text of Scripture, and explaining the doctrine arising from the text, Chrysostom always included detailed personal application in his sermons. No matter the passage of Scripture he was preaching on, he always seemed to be able to find a way to practically apply it to the hearts of hearers. The "so what" of his sermons was almost never missing.
He was a scholar, though he dedicated his knowledge and rhetorical skill to the ministry of the church, and did not make a show of his learning. His scholarship is perhaps best attested by the enduring value of his theological works, and especially his commentaries.
He taught, based on Scripture, that Justification is by grace alone through faith alone, and that it is grounded in the righteousness of Christ. He, therefore, upheld the Law / Gospel contrast, which is crucial in expounding the true Gospel.